coke cutting detail 焦炭碎块
Coke handling: Quenched coke is tipped from the coke car onto a wharf from which it is transferred by conveyor to coke cutting and size separation, from which it is put out to stock.
焦炭处理: 将淬火后的焦炭从运焦车上卸到一个码头上,再从那儿通过运输带将其运往焦炭破碎机和 筛分 机进行破碎和 筛分 ,之后即可入库。
If you go to McDonalds and order a big MAC with a medium diet coke and insist you are still cutting you are officially a gym idiot.
The removal of petroleum coke from equipment such as coking drums. Hydraulic decoking uses high-velocity water stream as the cutting means.